Our conversation has been a one-way street; let’s change that. I get excited when people reach out; that’s awesome!

There are a few ways to do so: the form below will get you into my inbox. You can also use social media to follow or reach me.

Here to help

I love answering questions, but it can take 24 -48 hours, and most of the time, it takes much less than that. Travels with Kev is a one-person team; I am trying!

If you do not hear back from me, check your spam folder first; sometimes emails end up there.

Remember that I am not Amtrak, nor do I work for them. If you are trying to contact them, there is an Amtrak contact page button below.

I am doing my best to offer you this free information. If you appreciate this assistance, check out the Support Travels with Kev page.

The ways you can connect with me

This contact form is a straightforward way to get ahold of me! But there are more ways below this.

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