Do You Want To Support Travels with Kev?
That’s awesome; thank you.
I appreciate your support for the Travels With Kev blog and podcast! The free information on the website and podcast comes at a cost, including associated fees like software and travel costs. Although ads on the website help cover the bills, they haven’t been consistent enough to support growth and research.
I am not a fan of ads, as they interrupt the flow of articles and take people away from the site. Additionally, the ad program gives me little control over the displayed ads, even when I try to block some. I aim to have an ad-free site supported by followers, but I’m not there yet. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
Ways to support the site and my work
Free – Emotional Support & Kind Words
- One thing you can do is send me a note letting me know how I helped you! Knowing I am helping and serving others does bring me great joy.
- Another way is to sign up for my email list, and then we can converse beyond this website.
- The last way is easy: share the site and podcast with friends, families, or enemies (they need travel info too).
Monetarily ways to support Travels With Kev
You can support Travels with Kev with a one-time thank-you gift or become a TWK subscriber.
One Time Support
Support Kev with a one-time gift, which is an excellent way to say “thank you” when I help you with a point or two.
- Paypal offers you a way to make a one-time gift of your choosing.
- “Buy me a coffee;” you do not buy me physical coffee but the financial equivalent. “Coffees” start at $4; you can buy as many coffees as you want.
- Amazon Wishlist
- If you are interested in helping me obtain the gear I need or upgrade, check out what I could use.
- There is also a Tip Jar option!
- Let me know if you have a different payment service you want to use, and I may have it.
Subscribe To Travels With Kev To Get More!
Subscription levels offer benefits such as early updates, exclusive content, one-on-one calls, private direct messages, trip updates, supporter-only photos, and more.
Monthly support starts at $3. If you support at $5 or more, you will receive postcards featuring my travel photos, similar to the ones shown in the image.
If interested, please join me and others on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee.
Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated.
No matter how you help, even if it is just a thank you note, it is appreciated more than you know.
I am a one-person show, and I get excited when someone says thanks and tells me how I helped. It would mean a lot to me if you could do something to help me share my experiences with more people. If you want to contact me, you can do that here.
Thank you for even being here; I never thought my site would reach as many people as it has, and my success is due to people like you.
If I can travel, you can too, and experience comes from doing and not waiting for the “right time.”
Safe travels!
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