Amtrak Midwest Trains schedule
Amtrak Midwest Trains schedule

Amtrak Midwest Train Schedules And More

These are the Amtrak Midwest train schedules for trains arriving and departing from Chicago, serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The list includes regional and long-distance trains. provided the information in these schedules, which was accurate from that information at the time of publication and is subject to change at any time.

Siemens SC-44

Amtrak Midwest Train Schedules

Kevin Monteith

Kev Monteith has been traveling on Amtrak since 2012. With over a decade of experience, he has been on over 800 trains, covering over 200k miles of rail. Kev enjoys helping others achieve their travel dreams by providing support and information. Outside of travel, Kev enjoys making music as an organist and outings with family.

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